A common claim in a yacht sales brochure is that a boat was designed and built with “No Compromise”.
Compromise is the basis of yacht design and construction. There is a saying,” there are three parameters in boats: Performance, Comfort and Price. You can’t have them all - but need to pick two”.
The perfect boat does not exist, as different sailors have different needs. This is why we offer the our catamarans as semi-custom built. A full custom, expensive one-off built design might be the perfect boat for one particular owner, but they will still will have to compromise in some aspects of the design and construction.
Designing a boat is a constant decision process over compromises. A compromise between performance and comfort - do you get more interior space and sacrifice some speed? A compromise between performance and prices - do you get four carbon winches instead of aluminum ones - but for double the price?
Even America’s Cup campaigns with enormous budgets continuously trade-off between cost and performance gain.
We have clearly designed our catamarans with high performance as the absolute priority - and believe we have achieved the right compromise on comfort and price.
The BAÑULS 53-60-78 were not designed for owners looking for five-star hotel comfort. Many high quality luxury cats will appeal to those looking for residential comfort onboard, promoting ornate luxury over performance.
Our catamarans were designed for the serious catamaran sailor looking for high performance, in comfort and minimalist luxury.